Grassroots Advocacy


Grassroots Advocates include Community Health Center (CHC) staff and patients, Primary Care Association staff, and community collaborators with similar missions. The national and state healthcare environment continues to change rapidly, with budget constraints, policy changes, and program creation. As these changes occur, you have a choice to make — to sit by and let these changes happen or to act to make sure the needs of CHCs are heard. Please contact APCA’s Health Policy Integration/Advocacy Department to be a part of our active Grassroots Advocacy network or sign up for more information using the contact info below


Without voices from those who share APCA’s mission of to improve health care access for all Alaskans, the work started by the APCA Advocacy Team cannot be completed. Lawmakers must know their constituents’ wants and needs.

Therefore, lawmakers need to hear from people who are in the field; people who know all about how the logistics, struggles, and realities of healthcare in their unique communities. Whether you are a health center staff, a community member, a health center patient, or a local board member, you are an expert in the eyes of policy makers. Your story, your experiences, and your ideas of what are important, matters.

Your quest for advocacy guidance and your commitment to the promotion of positive health policy will help ensure increased health care access for the uninsured, the underinsured, and for all Alaskans. While advocacy for health policy can be a daunting and difficult task, advocacy can be equally rewarding, fun, and invigorating. If you’d like some general guidelines to get started, please contact or sign up to join our advocacy network

For additional information, or to address any questions or concerns If you have any specific questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the APCA Advocacy Team at

Spark Advocacy Sign-Up