APCA provides numerous resources for health centers needing support with financial management, grants management, billing, and operations issues.
HRSA Operational Site Visit (OSV) Assistance
Exit Conference Attendance
Telephonic attendance at the HRSA OSV Exit Conference by one or more APCA staff members to take notes on HRSA Reviewer comments and Met/Not Met requirements. Notes will be sent to the Health Center within one business day.
Assistance during the OSV
Technical Assistance and support during the OSV. Available at no cost for phone and email communications. See the Supplemental Services section for information on having in-person attendance during the HRSA OSV.
Finance Summit:
Gatherings (virtual or in-person) of health center finance staff to network with peers and receive education on finance-related topics.
Fee Analysis:
Our analysis includes comparison of your fees to Optum percentiles, to Medicare, and to your contracted insurance rates (if you provide them to us). For Dental, we compare to Medicaid instead of Medicare. We will provide you with a narrative summary of our findings and a spreadsheet that allows you to enter your proposed charges and estimate changes in gross revenue as a result of those changes. This service also allows you to request data on any new or additional billing codes for one year.
For more information and specific assistance, please contact: the Finance & Grants Management Coordinator at TeamTTA@alaskapca.org