The APCA provides members with the ability to connect with and learn from each other through peer networks that link organizations and individuals across the state. Online peer networking offers an especially valuable opportunity in Alaska, where many CHCs are located in rural or remote areas of the state, often lacking access to regular in-person networking opportunities.
If you would like more information, are interested in joining any of these groups, or are currently having issues with access/receiving emails, please contact the group owners listed below.
Alaska Quality Improvement Peer Network
Tara Ferguson-Gould
Alaska DRVS Users Group
Nellie Roehl
APCA Integration Peer Network
Sevilla I. Love
Alaska PCMH Peer Network
Sharayah Foster
Suzanne Niemi
Suzanne Niemi
HRSA Grants Mgmt
Suzanne Niemi
Operational Site Visits
Suzanne Niemi
Human Resource & Workforce Group
Mari Selle
Rural Alaska CHC Network (RACN)
Sharayah Foster
What are SharePoint Groups?
APCA uses SharePoint Groups as an interactive space for health centers. Capabilities and functions include events calendar, document repository, and maintains the access to the organization’s list servs. Please see below for a list of the SharePoint Groups and owners.
All groups managed by the APCA are private and require approval from APCA’s group owners to gain access. Alaska Primary Care Association also monitors all content to ensure appropriateness as well as ensuring the information is received by the members of that group. To request access to an APCA SharePoint Group please email